Income tax

Where is the "United States" defined in U.S.C. Title 26

With every act of congress passed, there is a section that defines what certain terms in said act mean. In U.S.C. Title 28, for example, the term "United States" is define is section 3002(15) as "a federal corporation". Well, 26 U.S.C., the income tax code, also has a defintions section at Section 7701.

Title 26 Is NOT Law

For those of you who are still not convinced that Americans are not required to pay income tax just look at the tax code itself. According to United States Code Title 26, Section 7806, Title 26 is not law. You may follow the link to read it or you may download the PDF directly from the US Government Printing Office website.

No Government in the US has Jurisdiction Over People

Not too long ago I read a case about a man who challenged the city within which he lived, claiming that the town and therefore the government did not have jurisdiction, because it was a corporation. One of the cases cited in his defense was Bank of United States v. Planters' Bank of Georgia, 22 U.S. 9 Wheat. 904 904 (1824) in which was opined,

Why Christians Should Not Pay Income Tax

Many Christians living in the united states of America believe in following the law. But is it more important to follow man's law than Christ's law? Most Christians will agree that following Christ's law is more important. After all, that is what makes Christians Christian. This become even more important when we learn that the law of man that we are following does not apply to human beings

What is the Best Form for My Business?

If you are an independent contractor or are in business for yourself, you will not be able to open a bank account in today's market without a federal tax identification number or employer identification number. Although, we as Americans are not required to file a tax return or pay income tax, we still have to work within the system that has been fraudulently forced on us through the Federal Reserve Bank.

Constitutional Amendments and the 16th Amendment

There has been much debate about the 16th Amendment to the US Constitution. Some of this debate has stated that the 16th Amendment gave the federal government the authority to levee a direct and unapportioned tax on sovereign Citizens within the several states. The contrary has actually occurred.

When an amendment is overturning another part of the Constitution, it has to specifically repeal that part of the Constitution that it is changing, because the Constitution cannot be in conflict with itself.

Court Decisions and Legal Reference

The following are relevant cases supporting the income tax stance argued through this site. The cases provided included those for other case that relate to the varying arguments the prove the Citizens of the united States of America are not in fact required to pay a tax for the wages they earn. The cases are divided by categories.


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